Online petition with tools that respect your freedom.

gSpeakUp is a Free (as in Free Speech) software that let you set up online petition open to everyone.

Privacy respected

Privacy is central in gSpeakUp. Users have the possibility to opt-in for your updates and to hide their name from the signature liste, nothing is imposed..

Internationalized and customizable

Support for translation. Three themes are provided and a template engine also allows easy customization of your petition look-and-feel.


gSpeakUp comes with a statistics interface with breakdowns from countries, type of signature, referers.

How does it look like?

gSpeakUp is splitted into two interfaces: public view and administrative interface.

Screenshot of public site

Public site

Users can sign either as individual or as organizations. Email confirmation is needed. On front page, a world or Europe map of the signatories can be displayed. Latest signatures or an achievement percentage through the goal can be shown as well.

Screenshot of admin site

Administrative interface

The administrative interface allows moderation of signatures or searching for a specific signature. Statistics are provided. Referers leading to signatures are shown, which complements regular web statistics (you know which site actually brings you signatures, not only web traffic).


How does it work?

Guy with a megaphone

gSpeakup index page is presented in an vaaz-like fashion with description of the petition and a form asking visitors to enter their email address. Then a new page asks for all required details (name, occupation) and asks for privacy settings. Finally, user receives an email to confirm its signature and is prompted for a link to visit. This visit confirms the signature and displays "propaganda material" in the form of predefined Twitter/ messages and other incitations to share the campaign.

Developed by April

Founded in 1996, April is the main French advocacy association devoted to promoting and protecting Free/Libre Software. With its 4220 members (3812 individuals, 408 businesses, associations and organizations), April is a pioneer of Free Software in France. Since 1996, it is a major player in the democratization and the spread of free software and open standards to the general public, professionals and institutions in the French-speaking world. It also acts as a watchdog on digital freedoms, warning the public about the dangers of private interests keeping an exclusive stranglehold on information and knowledge.